Be calm
You’re in good hands
Martin H. de T. Andrews MNCH (Reg.) dipCAH HPD offers customized hypnosis sessions to give you the tools you need to transform your life. As a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, trained in the UK Academy of Therapeutic Arts and Sciences, and following the guidelines given by the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) and the Complementary Natural Health Care Council (CNHC), you can expect the highest standards of care and attention.

Gain self-control with hypnotherapy
Your mind is a wonderful and powerful thing. A large part of it works very hard in the background to keep you alive and healthy – without you even being aware of what it is doing. Sometimes things go out of balance and then hypnotherapy can help you to talk to, and make friends with, your 'background mind' or 'subconscious' and make life changes that might not have seemed possible. Take back control and be at peace with yourself.

“Difficulties are just things to overcome, after all.”
Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton
Some examples
Move the cursor over or tap on each picture. Do any of these issues chime with you? Perhaps you have another issue that you would like to discuss? Call me on 07947 380620

Stress management

Improve confidence

Emotional issues

Need to relax

Give up smoking/vaping

Weight/body image issues

Anxiety relief

Resolving phobias

Chronic pain?
Find Out More
Discover the power of hypnotherapy. Book your first consultation now, or just phone for a chat.
Most sessions from £70.00
* Three-session package £180.00 *
OldPain2Go® £130.00 (one session)
c/o The MAXwell Centre
St Salvador's Halls
Carnegie Street
Dundee, DD3 7EW
– Appointments only –
Clinic sessions during Centre opening hours.
Zoom/Skype sessions or home visits may be arranged at times convenient for you.